This is usually done whne number of players are less so more people can have a shot at winning Each ticket can only win one stage of the game, so a person who wins Jaldi five cannot compete for other levels of wins.
Allow players to buy multiple tickets so has to increase their chance of a win.Disqualification if the win call is made late (after subsequent numbers have been called).Disqualification of ticket from the game if a win call is made by mistake.Other salient game rules that are usually incorporated are below Example, there can be 3 full houses or grand price. Hosts can increase or decrease the number of wins based on the number of players. Players have to announce their win themselves which is later checked by the game host. Full house- This is the grand price, the first ticket to have all the numbers ticked off.Four corners- Ticket with numbers on the 4 corners, numbers closest to the four corners ticked off first.Bottom line- Tickets that get all 5 numbers in the top line ticked off first.Middle line- Tickets that get all 5 numbers in the top line ticked off first.
Top line- Tickets that get all 5 numbers in the top line ticked off first. Jaldi five (Fastest 5)- The first player who gets 5 numbers on his ticket ticked off. The game play involves stages of winning which can be decided by the host based on number of players and available prices. Players tick off numbers on their tickets if present. Numbers are called out randomly, usually from a bowl of tokens and placed on the board which looks similar to the below image.
Tickets in a set of 6 do not have any numbers repeated. Tickets are made in sets of 6, where each set of 6 has all numbers from 1-90. A ticket can have a maximum of 15 numbers. Every column has a maximum of 3 numbers. The first column can have numbers from 1-9, second from 10-19, etc till the 9th column which has numbers from 80-90. A ticket has 3 rows with 9 columns each constituting a total of 27 cells. The game is good if played with a minimum of 6 people. The game constitutes a board with numbers from 1 to 90 and tickets which are given to each participant. Tambola or Housie is a lazy but fun board game of numbers. Tambola / Housie Game and ticket grenerator